Paragraph 3: Conversations About Prepared Leadership in the Age of Perpetual Uncertainty -- From the C-Suite to the Battlefield Kelly L. Kevin

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When the COVID pandemic burned across the world in 2020 the United States found itself in an unaccustomed place. A country that had always assumed its superior capacity to deal with large problems instead flailed in its response not only to the health threat posed by the virus but to the economic calamity and social unrest accompanying it.

When crisis came where was leadership?

Paragraph 3: Prepared Leadership in the Age of Uncertainty illuminates the how of guiding organizations and institutions in what promises to be a long era of uncertainty, of which the upheavals of the pandemic were only a taste.

Paragraph 3 is not another leadership book. It is a practical guide to running organizations in an age when every operating environment will be complex, volatile and ambiguous.

The interviewees

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{"Obľúbené kategórie":[["Regenerácia a výživa nechtov",""],["Záhradné závesné kreslá",",29120545/"],["Hracie deky a podložky",""],["Sady kuchynského náradia",""],["Krajčírske lepidlá",""],["Stýkače Tracon",""],["16 GB RAM",""],["Písacie stoly výškovo nastaviteľné",""],["Tripody",""],["Skladacie invalidné vozíky",""]],"Vybrané značky":[["Knihy Maitrea",""],["Knihy Vydavateľstvo SSS",""],["Knihy Motto",""],["Knihy Professional Publishing",""],["Knihy Lúč",""]],"Ako vybrať najlepšie":[["Ako vybrať podložku do kočíka?",""],["Ako vybrať bábiku Barbie?",""],["Ako vybrať posilňovaciu lavicu?",""]],"Vybrané produkty":[["MFH Ghillie Woodland",""],["Vlajka veľká 150x90cm MFH 35103B - Rusko",""],["SportAktiv 220 x 100 cm",""],["Philips BRE255/00",""],["Epoxyban 5 kg svetlosivý",""],["Tescoma Paloma 2",""],["Gembird MP-S-BK",""]],"Odporúčame":[["Apple iPhone 15",""],["Apple Watch 9",""],["Apple Watch Ultra 2",""],["PlayStation 5",""],["Lego",""],["Zimné pneumatiky",""],["Nábytok",""],["Oblečenie a móda",""]]}