Star Wars: Leia: Princess of Alderaan

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Claudia Grayová
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Claudia Grayová
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ... there was a princess who became a legend. Sixteen-year-old Princess Leia Organa faces the most challenging task of her life so far. To be named heir to the throne of Alderaan, she must prove herself in body, mind and heart; she's taking rigorous survival courses, practicing politics, and spearheading relief missions to worlds under Imperial control. But Leia has worries beyond her claim to the crown. Her parents, Breha and Bail, aren't acting like themselves; determined to uncover their secrets, Leia sets down a dangerous path that puts her right under the watchful eye of the Empire. And when she discovers what her parents and their allies are planning behind closed doors, Leia is faced with an impossible choice: dedicate herself to the people of Alderaan - including the man she loves - or to a galaxy in desperate need of a rebel hero ...

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{"Obľúbené kategórie":[["Hasáky",""],["Kozmetické štetce",""],["Obracačky",""],["Kapitánske pásky",""],["Ochucovadlá",""],["Stolíky pod akvária",""],["Dojčenské bavlnené osušky",""],["Aditíva do LPG",""],["Corn flakes",""],["Dámske biele lodičky",""]],"Vybrané značky":[["Knihy Mgr. Tomáš Kosačík",""],["Knihy IFP Publishing",""],["Knihy Rybka Publishers",""],["Knihy Dajama",""],["Knihy Marenčin",""]],"Ako vybrať najlepšie":[["Ako vybrať puklice na kolesá?",""],["Ako vybrať notebook?",""],["Ako vybrať trekingové palice?",""]],"Vybrané produkty":[["Carrera FIRST 65018 Cars Jackson Storm",""],["Classic AM3885",""],["Famatel 5331-06",""],["Adrian Martinkovič Maľovanie pieskom sada HADVARANTRICERATOPSNETOPIERKÔŇ",""],["Gardena 8950-20",""],["KOLO REKORD K91050000",""],["Guirca Party okuliare 30 čierné",""]],"Odporúčame":[["Apple iPhone 15",""],["Apple Watch 9",""],["Apple Watch Ultra 2",""],["PlayStation 5",""],["Lego",""],["Zimné pneumatiky",""],["Nábytok",""],["Oblečenie a móda",""]]}